The CORSSA (CORinth Soft Soil Array) vertical accelerometric array is located at the premices of the "Ladopoulos" old paper factory, on the west coast of Aegion port (Figure 1), in the highly seismic region of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. It consists of one surface and five down-hole accelerometers, which have been deployed in the hanging wall of the Aegion Fault, an active normal tectonic feature that crosses Aegion city.
CORSSA was installed in 2002, in the framework of the European project CORSEIS (EVG1-CT-1999-00002H, funded by FP5-EESD; CORSEIS 2001, 2002) as a result of the cooperation of several European Universities (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Technical University of Athens, Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire, Brunel University and Ecole normale Superieure).
The scope of the array is to provide high quality data to be used in studies of the physics of wave propagation, the non-linear soil behavior, liquefaction phenomena and the effects of surface geology on strong ground motion.
Figure 1 – Location of the CORSSA array, on the west coast of Aegion port.